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New Mailing List Notification System


I’m proud to announce that I’ve successfully installed the Subscribe 2 email notification system from these guys.  This package provides a wide range of options for you to be notified whenever I make a new addition to this blog.  You can elect to be notified of everything or just the categories you’re interested in.  I suggest all of ’em because I’m not all that picky about category choosing plus I don’t generate all that material.  Besides, you need to read it all :-)

To use the system, simply click on the new Automatic Email Notification above on the control bar.  If you’ve already subscribed to this site, you’ll simply see a configuration button on the page.  If you’re not registered, you’ll be asked for an email address. no spam!!!! My eternal promise applies here.  After you submit your email address you’ll be presented with a few option.  Get the whole message or just excerpts.  HTML or plain text.  Which or all categories you’d like to receive.  Etc.

I’m going to be moving much of my mailing list and Usenet writing over to my blog.  Usenet is becoming more and more the haven of the lunatic fringe and while I enjoy writing on the various mailing lists, I don’t get much exposure and no Google AdSense revenue there.

Since my health has declined to the extent it has in the last year, I’m trying to live on the revenue that AdSense and a few other little projects generate so I need the exposure.  I have proved that one can live on $300 a month but $400 would add a bit more beef and a bit less Vienna sausages to my diet :-).  So pay attention to those ads and if you see something that catches your fancy, give a mighty click!  It sometimes amazes me how well Google matches the ads up to what I’m writing about.

As usual, Enjoy!


Posted by neonjohn on November 20th, 2008 under Announcements, Cool Stuff

One Response to “New Mailing List Notification System”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    cool, how about a full text RSS feed?

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