Hello Guys,
Welcome to my new Forum. I set this up for the discussion of my articles.
The usual rules apply:
- No ad-hominim attacks. You may vigorously debate ideas in the manner of scientific debate but you may not attack another user.
- Show respect to other members.
- Keep it clean. I'm not a prude but I don't want this to turn into a cuss-fest.
- no spam. Zero tolerance.
- Democrat, leftist, woke and other lunatic ideologies are not welcome here. Take that elsewhere.
- No pirated material.
- No conspiracy theories, tin foil hat topics and try to limit discussion to one of my posts. There are other places for that kind of discussion.
- Handles are welcome but you must use your real name and email when you sign up. Anonymity is not welcome here.
- No personal info will ever leave this site. I'm a privacy warrior.
That's it. Have fun.