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The Linux Chronicles – WD MyBook NAS Storage


With just a little over a TB of storage on-hand, things were getting kinda tight (who’da thunk that 5 years ago?) so I decided to buy some storage. To reduce the number of connections to my computer, this time I wanted Network Atached Storage. NAS is really a small computer and drive combo in a […]

Posted by neonjohn on December 22nd, 2009 under Computing | 1 Comment »

The Linux Chronicles – One Year Anniversary


Can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve posted. I’ve been very busy on my induction heater project plus I’ve had the mother of all writer’s block. Plus, Ubuntu has simply worked so I haven’t had much to write about. Anyway…. I’m approaching my one year anniversary of my conversion to Linux after (mostly) giving […]

Posted by neonjohn on December 22nd, 2009 under Computing | Comment now »

The Linux Chronicles


For years the Linux zealots have said that it can replace GatesWare on the desktop. Up to now, they were either crazy or smoking something really good! However I believe that the time has finally arrived. To test that notion, I’m going to prove or disprove the theory that: An ordinary users of modest computer […]

Posted by neonjohn on January 15th, 2009 under Computing | 2 Comments »


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