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What’s going on at the New York Times


I’m utterly stunned. I just read an op-ed piece penned by an honest-to-God card carrying nuclear engineer, Michael Friedlander. Not only is Mike a nuclear engineer, he’s a Shift Technical Advisor. He’s one of the guys with the big brass balls. I’m just stunned and flabbergasted that the NYT would run such a quality piece.

An STA, for those not familiar with the term is a person who holds a nuclear or electrical engineering degree AND holds a Senior Reactor Operator license. He is positioned in the control room at all times and is there to evaluate the overall situation of an evolution while the actual operators deal with the details of the event. His job is to advise the actual operators as to what they might do next to mitigate whatever is happening.

The STA position is one of the TMI Lessons Learned and is a very good thing. A tip of the hat to Larry and all the other STAs.

Posted by neonjohn on March 18th, 2011 under Energy, Nuclear

One Response to “What’s going on at the New York Times”

  1. Bill Dean Says:

    More typically good info
    Yesterday’s was superb (captcha wouldn’t work yesterday so couldn’t leave comment–does work today)

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